Doctor Who Series 8 review

Alright I’ve promised this since the end of series 8 in November and this is long overdue, since we’re already a week past the Christmas special and series 9 starts shooting today. (woop woop #dwsr) On the same note, Sherlock starts shooting today as well so we’ll be expecting tons of #setlock pictures and information!

I’ve decided to start rambling about Doctor Who series 8 because I really need to distract myself from worrying myself sick about Oxford admissions – I’ve been woozy and anxious the entire day all thanks to an overdosage of coffee and thestudentroom. It’s awfully stressful waiting for ONE email that’ll determine your future…sort of. Currently, I’m preparing myself for a rejection, but still clinging on to that minute strand of hope that I’ll get into Oxford. I know I didn’t initially intend to apply, but I’ve grown really fond of it over the past few months. Also, if I don’t get in, not only will I have to face my parents’ disappointment but I’ll also have to face nosy relatives asking about my uni plans over the Chinese New Year holidays…which isn’t how I’d like to spend my festive holidays. (Too bad my mom had to go and tell everyone about my Oxford interview.)

University woes aside, back to Doctor Who. Before I proceed on with the review-that-might-degenerate-into-a-ramble, here’s a spoiler alert!! If you haven’t watched Series 8 of Doctor Who and wouldn’t like it to be spoiled, please avert your attention.

[Review continues after the cut.] Continue reading “Doctor Who Series 8 review”